Who Can Own an LLC in Florida?

Who Can Own an LLC in Florida?

This article delves into the specifics of who can own an LLC in Florida

July 11, 2024

Florida's business-friendly climate extends to its laws governing Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), making it a popular choice for entrepreneurs across the globe. The Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act (the Act) provides a comprehensive framework for the formation, operation, and dissolution of LLCs within the state. This article delves into the specifics of who can own an LLC in Florida, focusing on membership eligibility under the Act, with a special emphasis on immigration and citizenship considerations.

Membership in a Florida LLC

Under the Act, there are no restrictions based on citizenship or residency for owning a membership interest in a Florida LLC. This inclusivity means that individuals and entities from anywhere in the world can form or be a member of an LLC in Florida. The Act's provisions are designed to offer flexibility, allowing a wide range of entities and individuals to participate in the economic opportunities available in Florida.

Key Provisions of the Act

The Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act outlines the legal framework for LLCs, including aspects related to membership, management, and operational procedures. Some key points include:

  • Formation and Membership: The Act allows for the formation of an LLC by one or more members. Members can be individuals, corporations, other LLCs, trusts, estates, or any other legal or commercial entity. There is no requirement for members to reside in Florida or be U.S. citizens.
  • Management Structure: Florida LLCs can be managed by members (member-managed) or designated managers (manager-managed). This flexibility allows the LLC to choose the best management structure for its specific needs.
  • Voting Rights and Interests: The Act specifies how voting rights and interests are allocated among members. These rights can be outlined in the LLC's operating agreement, allowing for customized governance structures.

Examples of Membership Diversity

The inclusivity of Florida's LLC laws means that a diverse range of individuals and entities can own and operate LLCs. For example:

  • International Entrepreneurs: A non-U.S. resident can establish an LLC in Florida to enter the U.S. market, leveraging Florida's strategic location and business-friendly environment.
  • Investment Entities: Investment groups, whether based in the U.S. or abroad, can form an LLC in Florida to manage real estate investments, venture capital funds, or other investment vehicles.
  • Family Trusts: A family trust, established to manage family assets, can own an LLC in Florida, providing a layer of liability protection and flexibility in asset management.
  • Other Private Companies: A non-natural person, such as another LLC, a corporation, or a partnership can also be the Members of an LLC. 

Legal and Tax Considerations

While the Act provides broad eligibility for LLC membership, there are important legal and tax considerations for non-U.S. residents:

  • Registered Agent Requirement: All Florida LLCs must designate a registered agent with a physical address in Florida. This agent is responsible for receiving legal documents on behalf of the LLC.
  • Taxation: The U.S. tax implications for non-resident LLC members can be complex. Non-U.S. members may be subject to federal income taxation and reporting requirements. It's crucial for international members to consult with a tax professional familiar with U.S. and international tax laws.
  • Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOI): With some enumerated exceptions, most U.S. business entities (including LLCs) are now required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). This report includes detailed information about the company's beneficial owners and is aimed at preventing money laundering and financial fraud. The BOI report must be filed within 90 days of forming the LLC, if formed during 2024, and for entities formed on or after January 1, 2025, this deadline is reduced to 30 days.


The Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act offers a flexible and inclusive legal framework for LLC ownership. Its provisions allow individuals and entities from around the world to participate in Florida's dynamic business environment. Whether you're a domestic entrepreneur or an international investor, understanding the Act's provisions is the first step toward leveraging the benefits of forming an LLC in Florida.

For those navigating the complexities of LLC ownership and operation, it's advisable to consult with legal and tax professionals to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and to optimize your LLC's structure for your specific business goals. Consult our skilled legal team by contacting us today!

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